HEROES Film School for free: deadline

HEROES Film School encourages new talents and gives free 4-days access to the venue to international young authors and students of Cinema and Visual Arts registered until 29th, february 2020.

HEROES Film School organizes international masterclasses, keynote speeches and practical workshops with top and awarded international professionals and artists of the movie industry, in collaboration with universities, schools and institutes specialized on cinema and audiovisual contents.

The daily work of the technical and artistic cast, and the "behind the scenes" of genre movies and series read by great protagonists of the global industry in informal encounters and discussions.

The focus of HEROES Film School in the 2020 edition will be on: visual storytelling, concept art, visual effects and soundtracks.

Participation at the Film School activities is open to university students and teachers, young authors and professionals, movie attendees focusing on cinema and visual arts.

Write to: info@heroesfilmfest.com.

[Ph. George Hull and Sean Penn masterclasses, Romics 2019]